Invited Talks, Lectures, Workshops and Presentations

21st Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting, Boston, November 2022.

Presented Research on 'Temporal representation influenced by auditory imagery and sensory information in working memory.'as Recepient of the APCS Diversity Travel Award

Fall 2021 Guest Lecture @ New York University

Delivered a guest lecture regarding 'Privacy and Machine Listening', for the course "Ethics and Technology" (STS-UY 2144 XBNYU, Instructor on Record: Dr Margaret Jack) at the NYU, Tandon School of Engineering

Fall 2021 Guest Lecture @ UCLA

Delivered a Guest Lecture regarding 'Digital Platforms, Technology Policy and Listening Machines' for the course "Digital Cultures and Societies" (F2122-IS20, Instructor on Record : Prof Ramesh Srinivasan) at UCLA, School of Education and Information Studies.

Summer 2021 Presentation @ The 26th International Conference on Auditory Display

Presented a work titled 'Auditory Streaming and Segregation Inspired Designs for Auditory Display' at the 23rd International Conference on Auditory Display. Abstract on ICAD2021 website

Dallas Regional Science Fair, Special Awards Jury (Acoustical Society of America)

Acoustical Society of America, Special Award Jury for the 2021 Dallas Regional Science Fair

Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting 2019, Montreal.

Invited presentation at the APCAM 2019 Meeting in Montreal titled "Perception of Beats and Temporal Characteristics of the Auditory Image" Link to Abstract on APCAM website

Parque Explora (Exploratorium), Medellin Colombia

Workshop on 'Listening to Data', a hands-on data sonification workshop at the Parque Explora (Exploratorium), Medellin, Colombia, June 2019. Link to Event on Parque Explora Website

National Academy of Sciences, Sackler Colloquium Series

Title of Presentation : 'Listening Machines: New Interfaces for Science, Technology and Policy', Part of the National Academy of Sciences - Sackler Colloquium Series on Creativity and Collaboration: Revisiting Cybernetic Serendipity. Travel Funded by co-sponsors Google Inc., Nov 2017. Link to Full Schedule of Event

Center for New Music and Audio Technogies, UC Berkeley

Co-presented work on 'Cognitive Testing for Data Sonification' at 'Cross Roads: The Data Sonification Symposium' at CNMAT, UC Berkeley Nov 2018. Travel Funded by UC, Berkeley.Link to event at CNMAT, UC Berkeley Website

CAP 2016, International Astronomical Union Commission C2 Conference, Medellin, Colombia

Presented a workshop on DIY Radio Telescopy at the Communicating Astronomy to the Public (CAP 2016), International Astronomical Union Commission C2 Conference, at Parque Explora, Medellin, Colombia 2016. Archived Link of the Event

ICTD 2016 (International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development 2016)

Invited Demo Presentation titled 'Community ICT for Disaster Preparedness using Open Spectrum and Geophysical Open Data Interfaces' at ICTD 2016, held at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of Information. Link to ICTD2016 Full Programme

Museum of Modern Art, Medellin (Panel : Experimental Laboratories- Emerging Art and Technologies)

Invited to present at a Panel titled 'Experimental Laboratories- Emerging Art and Technologies (Laboratorios experimentales: arte y tecnología emergentes)' at the Museum of Modern Art, Medellin, June 2017.Link for Event here

International Symposium on Electronic Art, University of Caldas, Manizales,Colombia 2017

Presented a talk titled "Signal Territories, Infrastructures and Intermediaries: New Interfaces for Art Science and Communication Policy" at a Panel titled "Biocreation of Informatics" at ISEA 2017. Click for Details at ISEA Siggraph archives

Kochi Biennale Symposium : ‘Creative Encounters with Science and Technology: Legacies, Imaginaries and Futures'

Delivered a talk at the 'Creative Encounters with Science and Technology: Legacies, Imaginaries and Futures' at Kochi Beinnale Symposium, funded by the Leonardo ISAST, February 2017. Details here at the Transtechnology Research Archive, Plymouth University.

Video Vortex XI

Chair of the Panel titled : "Software and the Politics of Collaboration" at the 11th Video Vortex Festival (Video in Flux–Art, Activism and Archives) held as a collateral of the Kochi-Muzeris biennale in collaboration with University of Bilkent, Ankara, and the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam. Event Report at the Institute of Network Cultures website.

International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making, Indonesia 2015

Organizing Committee Member and Presenter at 'Transformaking : The International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making' held by HONF Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sep 2015. See event report at the British Council Creative Economy Section Article titled 'Transformaking - exploring cutting-edge creativity in Indonesia'.

National Seminar on Cyber Security and Cyber Laws, December 2014

Panelist at the National Seminar on Cyber Security and Cyber Laws, organized by the Advanced Centre for Research, Development and Training in Cyber Laws and Forensics on December 27 and 28, 2014 at the National Law School of India University in Bangalore. Full Programme Schedule here
